6. Chicago Apprentice Network: Aon, Accenture and Zurich
The Chicago Apprentice Network was launched in collaboration with Aon, Accenture and Zurich. It has grown from an inaugural class of 25 apprentices to 740 apprentices working with more than 40 employers across industries, according to Aon and the Chicago Apprentice Network.
The goal is to look beyond college graduates, particularly those with insurance-related degrees, as the sole group of prospective employees.
The apprentices serve in customer-facing roles in claims while receiving tuition assistance and other employee benefits. After successfully completing the programme, employees can use the company’s tuition reimbursement programme to continue their education and are free to move throughout the organisation.
The network now includes more than 50 employers across 18 sectors, including finance, technology, consulting, retail and manufacturing—and continues to grow as employers see the value of opening new career pathways for diverse talent.
“The network now includes more than 50 employers across 18 sectors.”
7. Flexwork@Zurich: Zurich
Flexwork@Zurich is a framework that empowers people to work where, when and how they choose. Certain situations require flexible working hours to achieve a healthy work and life balance. It was introduced across the entire organisation in 2015, providing minimum constraints and maximum flexibility.
The framework encourages employees to work in a way that achieves optimal results while responding to changing customer demands. The focus is on collaboration within teams to find the best solutions that deliver results.
“The focus is on collaboration within teams.”
8. AGCS UK Intern & Apprentice Programme: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty
After the pilot launch in 2021 this programme has been fully rolled out and expanded at AGCS in the UK and beyond in 2022.
The programme aims to create a pipeline of talent to be recruited into the industry that wouldn’t normally have the opportunity or interest to join insurance.
The apprenticeship programme created a 12-week summer placement for interns and a two-year job for apprentices who are then recruited into entry level-jobs within the business. The programme is advertised through D&I networks within the insurance industry and wider to ensure it targets people who wouldn’t normally have these opportunities.
“The programme aims to create a pipeline of talent.”
9. BGL Academy: BGL Insurance
The BGL Academy is a two-year apprenticeship programme. Apprentices range from school-leavers through to senior managers and is aimed at progressing apprentices to permanent positions within the organisation.
Since the launch of the BGL Academy in 2017, more than 350 apprentices have taken up qualifications across multiple business areas including customer services, IT and finance.
As part of its comprehensive scheme, BGL Insurance works with 12 of the UK’s best training providers and has further plans to increase this number to expand into new areas.
As well as apprenticeship courses in specific roles, BGL has developed its own Pathway Programme, providing colleagues with an opportunity to experience different areas of the business for six months at a time, helping to broaden knowledge and professional skills, all while studying towards a nationally recognised level 3 apprenticeship qualification.
“More than 350 apprentices have taken up qualifications across multiple business areas.”
10. Leadership Programme: Aviva
Working with The Diversity Practice, Aviva has developed a bespoke leadership programme for ethnically diverse talent in the UK.
The programme launched in January 2020, and 18 employees completed the first programme. In addition, line managers have received guidance on how to help these employees continue to develop their leadership skills.
Aviva set up an Origins intern programme in 2018 across its London, Norwich and Sheffield offices to support younger generations from ethnically diverse and lower socioeconomic backgrounds to kick-start their career in financial services. This programme has since been developed into the Aviva Internship Programme across all the company’s main offices in the UK.
Since 2018, more than 90 interns have completed the programme, many returning to Aviva’s graduate programmes.
“More than 90 interns have completed the programme.”