Cayman Focus and Awards 2022

Welcome back to the Cayman Islands
The Hon. Wayne Panton, Premier of the Cayman Islands, welcomes the captive insurance industry once again. Continue reading

2022 Awards roll call
Our annual celebration of Cayman’s captives industry. Continue reading

The key to Cayman’s success
Evolving global financial standards have led the government of the Cayman Islands to chart a steady course towards success, Continue reading

Looking ahead to the post-COVID world
Lesley Thompson, chair of IMAC, looks forward to this year’s Cayman Captive Forum. Continue reading

Onwards and upwards
The Cayman Islands continued to see growth as a captive domicile in 2022, according to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. Continue reading
Dependability & resilience shine through
Clayton Price of Beecher Carlson Cayman looks at how Cayman stands after the pandemic. Continue reading
Cyber continues to evolve
With insurers trying to keep pace with what is an increasingly complex issue, can captives help?
Using captives for medical stop-loss
Finding the right partner can make all the difference, write Mike Holthaus and Mary Sullivan of Summit Reinsurance Services. Continue reading
The attraction of innovation
Innovation is a key selling point for many captives on Cayman, with regulatory open-mindedness seen as vital.
Leadership for innovation and growth
Artex has introduced two new executives to its Cayman leadership team, as the firm looks to new opportunities in the area. Continue reading
Proactive strategies for managing capital
Matt Kunish of RiverStone explains how captive owners need to take a different approach right from the start. Continue reading
The issue of where to redomicile your captive can be a tricky one. Captive International investigates. Continue reading
Taking the pulse of medical stop-loss
Captive International investigates the state of the market.
More than a buzzword
ESG issues are increasingly hitting the headlines. Captive International looks into how captives can benefit.
Captive sustainability in difficult market conditions
Challenges can represent an opportunity for captives, write Matthew Haymes and George Pavlis from RSM.
A recipe for success
Rob Collins and Rick Hartmann outline the factors behind Guy Carpenter’s success in the captive insurance world. Continue reading
A long-term strategy
Al Rhodes of SIGMA discusses the need to fully grasp the parameters necessary for a healthy, long-term captive.
Innovation ahead
Comerica is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve its service and make it easier for customers, says Martin Ellis.
The appeal of Cayman
Tony De Quintal of Walkers on why many companies are reinsuring or retroceding life annuity risks in the Cayman Islands.
All eyes on innovation and efficiency
Erin Brosnihan of Kensington Management Group discusses the need for innovative products and services.
The Cayman advantage
Lesley Thompson of WTW sets out why Cayman is such a competitive captive domicile.