Letter from 2020 INTA President Ayala Deutsch
Through all of the challenges and uncertainty, our community remains strong. Together, we’ve been plowing ahead, focused on being forward-thinking and forward-looking.
2020 has been a challenging year. No matter where we live, what industry we work in, or what our home situation is, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us profoundly.
The global intellectual property community and all of us at INTA have had to adapt and innovate to navigate the tremendous challenges we have confronted throughout the year. And now, here we are. 2020 is drawing to a close. It’s October already, with no definitive end in sight to this health crisis.
Still, through all of the challenges and uncertainty, our community remains strong. Together, we’ve been plowing ahead, focused on being forward-thinking and forward-looking.
One of the three pillars of INTA’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan calls on us to “Embrace Innovation and Change.” Specifically, we’re charged with providing innovative, valuable services to our members. Throughout this year, the Association has met—and then far surpassed expectations in how we have fulfilled this objective. These efforts culminate in what is perhaps the best example of innovation at INTA: The 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting. >>>
INTA volunteers and staff have been working tirelessly throughout the year to make this event possible, changing course several times in response to uncertain and evolving circumstances. We have a fantastic Meeting ahead of us—one that reflects the strength of INTA’s deeply rooted community and epitomizes the innovation we identified as being critical to the Association’s mission.
To be sure, holding our first-ever all-virtual Annual Meeting is new and notable. But you’ll find that we’ve included in this event many of the legacy features that characterize the Annual Meeting—presenting those features in innovative ways that will make the 2020 event even more exciting.
Among these traditional elements is the INTA Daily News. While you won’t be able to grab your printed copy off the newsstand, with one click, you’ll find an engaging daily digital edition each of the five days of the Annual Meeting program.
As we look forward with anticipation to the 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting next month, please take the time to read this early issue of the INTA Daily News. In addition to learning more about the rich variety of educational resources that await you at the Meeting, this issue contains detailed information, tips and tricks, and valuable insights to help you navigate the virtual platform and get the most out of this experience.
One last thing: if you currently are planning to attend the Annual Meeting portion of the event, November 16-20, I encourage you also to join us online in the virtual platform the week before. The space is open to all, and it’s a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with the platform, review—and even participate in—the many activities being offered, begin networking, and prepare for the busy week ahead.
If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time. Registration is open until October 30. Reconnect with the INTA community. Be part of this innovative experience. Join us for this historic event.
On behalf of the INTA Board of Directors, I thank you for your continued commitment to INTA, and I look forward to seeing you all soon at the 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting!
Ayala Deutsch, 2020 INTA President
Footage used under license from Envato Elements / Trezvuy
Join us for the Opening Ceremonies and Keynotes: Monday, November 16, 9:30 am – 11:00 am (EST)
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
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