Wilmington Trust
Letters of Credit & Trusts: Firm—Highly Commended Letters of Credit & Trusts: Individual—Winner Letters of Credit & Trusts: Individual—Highly Commended
Service, responsiveness, and value
Wilmington Trust is one of the few banks that has a dedicated group handling only insurance-related collateral requirements, says Robert Quinn.

“The Cayman captive insurance market poses a real opportunity for us as it is a tremendously healthy market.” Robert Quinn, Wilmington Trust

Having spent the better part of the last 21 years dealing with captive collateral requirements, it has been our mission to make the process of posting collateral simple and cost-efficient.
Given our team’s average experience of more than 15 years, we have been (and continue to be) hopeful that this serves our clients well.
What differentiates Wilmington Trust is that we are dedicated to the propositions of service, responsiveness, and value. That said, we are one of the few banks that has a dedicated group handling only insurance-related collateral requirements. This focus makes us specialists in the captive industry.
Over the past 12 months, we have achieved exactly what we hoped to achieve, and we aim to repeat that in 2022—a true core of excellence, looking to win business based on service.
The Cayman captive insurance market poses a real opportunity for us, as it is a tremendously healthy market possessing a vast amount of knowledge of the captive industry.
This knowledge includes the desire to find efficiencies in the markets, such as using Wilmington Trust captive collateral requirements.
Robert Quinn is vice president, Insurance Collateral Solutions at Wilmington Trust. He can be contacted at: rgquinn@wilmingtontrust.com