Vice president of finance, Capterra Risk Solutions
“The captives industry lets you work with some of the brightest professionals.”
Bill Eleamos started his career as an accountant at a wealth management firm in 2010. While there he was promoted to senior accountant in 2011 and obtained his graduate degree and MBA. He then found his way to Capterra in 2015, where he was the fiscal officer and accountant for the captive clients under management.
In 2019, Eleamos was promoted to controller where he maintained all prior responsibilities and added the responsibilities of maintaining and overseeing the accounting and overall operation of Capterra. In January 2023, he was promoted to vice president of finance and brought on as a minority partner of Capterra.
Eleamos was described as a very experienced captive financial professional, being very organised and detail-oriented, along with being friendly and easy to communicate. He is said to do a great job to ensure his clients are in compliance with the domicile’s state laws and regulations.
Here he explains why the captive insurance industry is rewarding to be in, why people should join it and how he feels it will evolve over the near term.
Do you feel that the captive insurance industry is a rewarding sector to work in?
The industry is rewarding from the aspect of assisting businesses of all sizes and industries. The captive insurance space is a useful tool that can benefit many types of businesses. One week I may be reviewing a programme for a mid-size contractor in Florida, and the following week, implementing a programme for a large manufacturer in Pennsylvania. The ability to touch and help businesses all of sizes and industries is one of the most rewarding effects of working in the captives sector.
Would you recommend the captive insurance industry to young people as a future career path?
I believe it is. The captives industry lets you work with some of the brightest professionals all coming together for the common goal of implementing an effective risk management solution. By working daily with the likes of actuaries, attorneys, CPAs, insurance experts, business owners, CFOs, risk managers, etc, you are working with the best of the best and each day you are absorbing that knowledge and making that individual a well-rounded professional.
How do you feel that the captive insurance industry will evolve?
The captives industry will undoubtedly continue to evolve and innovate. That is the basis of captive insurance and how we differ from the traditional insurance market. The captive industry listens to the needs and actual risks of the insured businesses and finds solutions unavailable in any other market.
Do you think that your long-term future remains in the captive insurance industry?
Yes. With my eight-and-a-half years in the industry and obtaining my ACI designation, I have obtained experience and knowledge that have provided a solid foundation in the captives space.
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